Friday, 22 May 2015

One “magical” Exercise to Double your Fat Loss

 If I told you that there was a way to burn more calories, DOUBLE your fat loss and improve your cardiovascular fitness level in as little as 20 minutes while spending less time doing cardio, would you believe it?

You had better believe it because it is TRUE.

I call it a “magical” exercise because you only need 20 – 30 minutes and you are good to go.
Not only that, its one exercise where you continue to burn calories up to 24-48 hours AFTER you have stopped working out. (Imagine burning extra fat as you sit at your desk at work!)

This “magical” exercise is called Interval Training. It is one of the 3 foundation Strategic Fat-Loss Exercises used in the Total Fat Loss Plan - A Weight Loss Plan which You can follow to Double Your Fat Loss results strictly for Nigerians with our “peculiar” Nigerian environment.

Before I go on to tell you how to do this exercise, I’ll quickly tell you what it is. Interval Training is a type of workout that involves a combination of high-intensity workout with low-intensity workout. These low-intensity workout could be an activity of lower intensity or complete rest period.

Here are reasons why I call Interval Training “magical” for Fat Loss

1. You lose weight faster. 
The more vigorous your exercise, the more calories you will burn, so even short bursts will help you lose weight.

2. It kills boredom. 
By varying the intensity of your exercises, it changes things up. Not only will your fitness program go by faster, but you won’t experience the drudgery that can come from doing the same routine every day.

3. No extras needed. 
You already have the equipment you need for your interval training because you’re already doing the basic workout.  Interval training requires no special skills — the only thing needed is more effort on your part.

4. You increase your fitness levels. 
You will improve your ability to exercise and increase your stamina over time.

5. You reduce the time spent on exercise. 
You spend less time exercising, but you burn the same or more calories as with your normal routine.

How to do a Fat-Loss Interval Training

Do a 5 mins warm up by stretching and matching on the spot. Next walk briskly for 20 seconds and then walk slowly for 20 seconds. Do this 30 times and then cool down for 5 mins again.
And that’s it. You would feel your heart beat faster and sweat all for a total duration of 30 minutes with DOUBLE Fat loss results.

Find this post helpful? Have any additional tips you can share with our members? What are some of the exercises you do to lose weight and burn fat abs?

Get Your Total Fat loss Plan HERE TODAY

Dr. Ela Maris with Jackreece Oboms

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